Soulful elderly and people caring

The pictures on this page are © Sundhed og Omsorg, Aarhus. All taken by me.

They show the work that is done in our town to create a soulful and loving atmosphere for the elderly and the people that work for them. All pictures and the people on them are cleared to be used in a public setting. The places and people are anonymous.


Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography


Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography

Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography

Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography

Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography

Chris Nunan Photography

Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography Chris Nunan Photography

Chris Nunan Photography OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Chris Nunan Photography

Chris Nunan Photography